About [Psy-to-nomics][Psy-to-nomics] - a methodology that is used for personality type assessment (typology). This method is based on a multidimensional approach to self, whereby an individual is comprised of a number of intellects, hence this is a multiple intelligence approach to self.
There are 8 intellects in [Psy-to-nomics] where each intellect is comprised of unique:
- Personality traits
- Life values
- Behavioral patterns and
- Linguistic abilities (both verbal and written)
A process of self-identification / self-diagnostics in this method, not only allows on an individual to determine who they are but to have a deep understanding of “why I want what I want” and “why I do the things that I do”, moreover it provides an understanding of individuals around us, their motivation and desires. Instruments that are built based on [Pse-to-nomics] are used in communication, that in turn leads to a conflict free relationships and could be used as a conflict resolution instruments. We develop and understanding of how to build relationships with individuals that see the world differently from ourselves, become more tolerant to our differences and more accepting to others.
A few definitions to better understand the basis for the methodology. Intellect - A combination of 4 factors:
- Life Values - our innate understanding of what is most important in life
- Personality Traits - inborn qualities that are developed over time based on the environment that a child is brought into. Not all of our personality traits that we have as a potential will transpire and develop, but those that will have a comfortable environment for development will.
- Linguistic abilities - language in both written and verbal form is unique to each individual, just like a fingerprint. We express ourselves differently based on the context, in other words, you will use different language when communication with parents, children, friends, in a work setting, etc. (*Psycholinguistics - science that studies language and its psychological implications. It is a cross path of language and cognition).
- Behavioral patterns - behaviors that we express also depend on our state of being and are influenced by our understanding and interpretation of a given situation.
Each intellect (there are 8 in the system) has unique desires/ambitions. An average city dweller has 4-6 intellects that s/he is born with. This being said we have multiple desires that require realization for us to feel satisfied with our life.
Multidimensional - Our ability to adapt both linguistically and behaviorally to the context that we are in determines the multidimensional aspects of our self. Depending on the circumstance we express specific qualities that will, most effectively, allow us to adapt to the situation. Multidimensional aspects of our self guarantee our adaptability.
Fulfillment/Unfulfilled or Self-realization/Absence of positive self-realization - Each intellect has its own desires, ambition and vector of fulfillment. Your development happens through fulfillment of these needs, desires and ambitions. Each new desire is bigger than the previous one, this leads to growth. In general growth is in growing desires and ambition. Moreover fulfillment is necessary in all intellects that are present in a person, otherwise the feeling of “happiness” is going to be absent. “It seems that everything is Ok, but something is missing” would be the mantra of an unfulfilled person.
Foundational RulesThis methodology has three (3) fundamental rules
1. A person lives in principle of pleasure - Everything that I do, I do to gain pleasure, or to diminish suffering. By diminishing my suffering, I am increasing pleasure.
2. Basic needs must be satisfied in order for a person to grow. (ie Eat, sleep, breath and drink)
3. Social construct is crucial - “I or Self”, “Couple”, “Group”. Just like many animals do, humans survive as a group.
System of coordinated for the methodology implies that there are 4 dimensions. Everything has a direction out and in and therefore each dimension has a part that is extroverted (out) and introverted (in).
In this case Extroverted means that the world around me influences me more, Introverted implies that the world inside of me influences me more.
Dimensions are - Time, Space, Energy and Information
Intellects are - Revolutionary, Analytical, Logical, Physical, Visual, Abstract, Verbal, and Intuitive.
*[Psy-to-nomics] and validation of the methodology is a big part of the Dissertational work of Lena Feygin at Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria
(Information is being updated)