WorstSelf Deck brought to you by BestSelf
To know yourself is great to know the worst of yourself is fantastic. This to be played with friends!
Psy-to-Nomics - Worstself Deck by BestSelf
I have found games created by BestSelf and integrated it into my Psychotherapy practice.

While many of us are looking to see how to be our BestSelf we offer a game to see the worst of ourselves. This game offers a funny and entertaining way to explore into the ugly areas of ourselves and humanity.

The first one to get 8 cards wins.

1. Don't take yourself too seriously. This is meant to be fun
2. WorstSelf is meant to be played with 3 or more people
3. Whoever celebrated their birthday last is the narrator for the first round
4. The narrator should choose a card and read aloud
5. Once the prompt is read, everyone gets one vote as to who they think would most likely do the WorstSelf prompt
6. The narrator keeps tally of the votes. If there's a clear winner, that person gets that WorstSelf card. If there's a tie, the people involved in the tie each need to argue their case for why people should change their vote. Only one person can win the card
7. The person who is the narrator rotates counter-clockwise after each round
8. The first person to collect 8 cards is the WorstSelf winner (or looser depending on how you look at it)
9. At the end of the game, you should hug it out with your friends!

*And some more rules, since you are playing online, pick a number of a card played and write it down so that it doesn't get picked again during the game until all other cards are played.
***(as printed in BestSelf game, could be purchased on their website)
    Part 1


    You don't text back, only call and leave a voicemail
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Change something about yourself (what?)
    Be able to read minds (why?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Know when you will get married (what will it be like?)
    Know when you are going to pass away (how will this help you?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Disappear when you shut your eyes (how would you use this?)
    Move things with your mind (how would you use this?)
    3 - Would you Rather
    Be disliked by friends but achieve much (what would you achieve?)
    Be liked by your friends but achieve little (why?)
    3 - Would you Rather...
    Be the head of your own company (what type of company?)
    Be the leader of your country (what would you do?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Your parents always know where you are (why?)
    Your parents always know what you say (why?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Be stuck in a boat alone for a month (how would you pass time?)
    Be stuck with someone who won't stop talking (what would you do?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Never feel pain again (worst pain you have felt?)
    Never feel fear again (what are you afraid of?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Meet your favorite person/celebrity (who would this be?)
    Have someone move away (who would this be?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Your parents know every time you cussed (why do people cuss?)
    Your parents know every time you lied (why do people lie?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Go to school 5 days a week with the same gender (would you miss the others?)
    Go to school 3 days a week with the opposite gender (why?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Tell your biggest secret (who do you tell secrets to?)
    Walk in your underwear all day at school (what's a time you were embarrassed?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Never get to have a pet (what would you miss?)
    Have to take care of 10 pets (what would be hardest?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Live without arms (what would be hardest about this?)
    Live without your feet (how would this change things?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Never be sad or depressed (what makes you saddest?)
    Have 1 million dollars (what would you do with it?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Have your own personal bodyguard (what would you use him for?)
    Be the most athletic kid in school (at what sport?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Have to give a speech to the whole class (do you ever get nervous?)
    Cut your lawn with scissors (what makes you most nervous?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Take away something bad that you did (what did you do?)
    Be able to skip boring times (what bores you the most?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Have the perfect body but not be able to run (why?)
    Be the same as you are now (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be shocked when you doubt yourself (when have you doubted yourself?)
    Be shocked when you say something foolish (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be shocked when you doubt yourself (why?)
    Be shocked when you say something foolish (when have you doubted?)
    12 - Would you Rather...
    Have a friend that no one else can see (like what?)
    Have a personal assistant at school (how would they help?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Have to talk to 100 people every day (why?)
    Only get to talk to 1 person a week (who would you pick?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    People think you were a liar (why?)
    People think you were a thief (why?)
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